So a friend shared this list of a self-eval/look in the mirror of sort of a question list and it was something that I had to absolutely do. Plus making it the first post of the year and a look back makes it worth it. So yeah, here is my shot at it. 2014 in review 1. Describe your 2014 in three words # New # Sudden # Educative 2. What was your most common mental state this year? Anxious & uneasy 3. What was the biggest event in your life this year? December 4. What were your three happiest moments? # December 2014 # Flying with Nani (her first time ever) Dec-Jan 2014 # Coming home in May 5. What new skills did you learn? # Financial planning - a bit # Loads of new stuff at work 6. What personal qualities or habits did you develop, cultivate, or strengthen? # Started to think less and do more # Write emails frequently to friends # Shopped for my self 7. What new things did you discover about yourself? I am doing okay. I need to go easy & focus on...